
Individual Therapy

A tailored plan for you to reach your potential

Our individual therapy is designed to treat a range of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, trauma-related disorders and emotional problems. It aims to help restore confidence and wellbeing with targeted support to address your specific concerns.

Delivered in a private setting, clients attend regular therapy sessions with one of our fully credentialled mental health nurses.

Personalized Treatment Plans

After an initial assessment, our nurses will design a customized treatment plan to address your symptoms and identified goals. Therapy sessions will then be scheduled periodically based on your needs and will focus on giving you practical strategies to manage your condition, gain confidence and achieve positive outcomes.

Individual sessions can be conducted at our Karalee House, in the comfort of your own home, or in a local medical center. They are suitable for almost all clients seeking assistance with managing their illness.

Home Visits

Home visits are one-on-one therapy sessions conducted in your own home. This outreach service is particularly suited to clients who live in rural areas, those who lack access to reliable transport, and those who have mobility issues.

Phone Sessions

These sessions involve the delivery of one-on-one therapy services over the phone or via web-based communication services such as Skype. Although face-to-face appointments may be preferable, phone sessions provide a flexible way to receive support from your assigned mental health nurse.

They may particularly suit instances where clients are struggling with busy schedules, live in remote areas, have employment that requires travel that would impact on regular appointment attendance (such as FIFO), or those who experience high levels of anxiety at initial appointments.

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